Dark Lyrics


1. The Embodiment Of All Misery

Deep down in the gorges of oblivion there lurks an outcast
filled with rancour and hatred
against the world above,
reigned by a BEAST!!

Your race is slowly croaking, no use to defy!
I'm yearning for the day you painfully will die!
Kneel before me, the Misanthrope!!
Your fate is sealed, there is no hope!

This demon may be known to you as Homo sapiens.
Ironically there's not the slightest connection between sapience
and the primal stupidity of the accused.

Kneel before me, the Misanthrope!
Your fate is sealed, there is no hope!!

Inhumane avarice leads to the exploitation of his environment.
Arrogance everlastingly combined with horrendous acts of violence.
Insane mind breeds self-destruction.
The worst enemy is his own species.

incapable of emotions, striding towards the inevitable.
"Superior" mind overcome by a parasitic and destructive madness.
Egomanic territory claims, nature literally consumed.
Eternal striving for world domination.

The Embodiment Of All Misery!!
Of All Evil!!

2. Cathartic Rain

A look in the dark - nothing - and yet everything, a shadow-world full of veiled silhouettes,
the nightfall swallows my silent cry.
Within my heart there's a weak rearing
that rages on and on.
I can't resist my own reflections.

Confusion is reigning my mind.
My eyes are open - my mind's closed tight.
The skies will darken.
I raise my arms into the night.

I'm longing for cathartic rain
to wash away this anguish and pain.
The water will fall on me
out of clouds above my misery.

I'm flying cross sphere's through time and space
to drift in the magic of delusion.
Look at me! What do you see?
You're watching the void - only my body is here.
Try to speak but there are no words.

Confusion is reigning my mind.
My eyes are open - my mind' closed tight.
The skies will darken.
I raise my arms into the night

Into the night!!!

Walked the way that was indicated.
Fortune often lies ahead.
But I felt to lose before
The fight had just

Had just begun!!!

3. Take Heed Of Trust

Don't trust anyone!
Unless you know them better than you know your fucking self!
In case that you do they'll
And eventually DESTROY YOU!!!

Trust but yourself, your power and beliefs.
Walk your own way, don't let them lead you astray.
Your inner strength will guide you to reach your goals.
While the others just want to hinder you.

If you let them too close they'll tear you apart.
They sell your life and soul for their own disgusting pleasure.
Do never rely on someone else serpent-tongued words.
Just like Iscariot they'll lie straight to your face!

Don't let them get you!! - Don't listen to their croon!!
It's all just lies under a deadly greyish moon.
Trust is for fools who don't own the will to survive.
Ignore their cajoling speeches!!! - Walk your path and be alive!

It's all just lies under a deadly greyish moon.
Ignore their cajoling speeches!!! - Work your path and be alive!


4. Bound For Victory

Thunder and Lightning are roaring around.
The sky turns black and the night's falling down.
We're looking up to the brightly shining stars.
They're guiding are ways throughout all the wars.

Throughout all the wars!!!

Above foreign lands and above the wide seas
now deep darkness reigns and the daylight it flees.
From East from West and from North to the South
you can see us coming uniting the crowds.

We are uniting the crowds!!!

Here we are together, side by side forever.
All for one like brothers, no one stands alone!
Join our forces, keep the fire burning!
Bound deep in our hearts and bound for victory!!

Thousands of miles we have crossed the lands
to welcome our mates, now to raise up your hands.
There is no fear and there is no doubt.
Our hearts filled with power and glorious pride.


When aims in your life seem so far away
your inner voice will lead your way.
The dreams that we have are about to come true.
Your brothers will be there.
They are calling for you!!!

Your brothers are calling for you!!!

We are bound for victory!!!

We're on our path, there ain't no return.
Life's full of secrets, got our lessons to learn.
Join our forces, keep the fire burning.
Bound deep in our hearts (and) bound for victory!!

5. Autoapotheosis

"But see, amid the mimic rout
A crawling shape intrude!
A blood-red thing that writhes from out
The scenic solitude!
It writhes! – It writhes! – with mortal pangs
The mimes become its food,
And seraphs sob at vermin fangs
In human gore imbued.

Out – out are the lights – out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy "Man,"
And its hero the Conqueror Worm." *

Time and space run through my astral veins.
Stars obey my orders.
Planets circulate me in neverending concentric rings.
I am the center of the universe.
I am COSMOS!!!

You think you don't have to worship me.
But your vanity won't be of any use to you.
I'm flowing right through your most secret thoughts.
I know your deepest fears and weaknesses.
I am the owner of your mind and ruler of your fate.

I am the Divinity you've always denied.
I am the Alpha and the Omega.
I was here before time was created.
And I’ll still exist when you've vanished in the vortex
of eternity.


You stupid fuck believe you're in control and everything is obeying
your feeble will.
But you're subject to a fatal fallacy.
You're acting the way I want you to.
You're my character in a play of hopes and fears.
You're my Conqueror Worm!
You still believe I'm not there, laughing at my existence,
still denying me.
You’re denying me!!!


Once upon a time I wasn’t unlike you.
But I have arisen and made myself a God.
The highest sovereign over your life, liege over your fate.
I transformed into a celestial being to use you as an instrument
to wipe out the entire human RACE!!!

6. Anger Complex

you have broken my very confidence.
now I'm cast out, depraved, a hallow shell.
You have raped my innocence and thus
turned my life into a living hell.

You have raped my innocence and thus
turned my life into a living hell.

You have infiltrated my mind,
polluted it with your shameless kind.
You have had me obey your rules
and made me fell like the weakest of fools.

Deep down inside I feel the urge to scream.
Revenge is boiling in my veins.
Every fiber in my body is illuminated with a deadly gleam.
I yearn for retaliation of the unbearable pains.

What shall I do with my anger? ANGER!!!
Where is your weak point?
Is there a way to hurt you usefully?
Is homicide the only possible solution?

You can't imagine how truly I despise your ways.
I think it's time ti turn the tables on you.
I will no longer crawl under the yoke of the olden days
but instead destroy all things you held so true.

you held so fucking true!!!

All these pain-ridden years I've been pondering,
torturing my mind to find a suitable punishment.
Still I don't know the answer, I'm wondering
if for you death would be the ultimate end.

Ultimate End!!

Sahall i kill you???!!!

7. Contemplation

Slumbering in the silence that gave birth to me,
I lay there contemplating the hidden secrets of life.
The weakness that for so many years made my life to a living hell
had at length defeated my very will to continue an existence I despised right from the start.

No god there to save me; was there ever one?
Reflecting on this I slowly raised my head from the pillow I had rested on.
Shadows danced on the walls, laughing at me with their hellish grins.
My weary eyes followed their grotesque movements across the grey ceiling.

Desperation pervaded the dusk-filled room.
An air of depravity joined the gloom that surrounded my cadaver-like body.
It must have been a wondrous sight for you to behold my emaciated frame in
the grief-stricken chamber that witnessed the unholy hour of my birth.

It must have been a wondrous sight for you to behold my emaciated frame in
the grief-stricken chamber that witnessed the unholy hour of my birth.

There I lay in the depressing and pale grey.
At this instant my soul was grasped by despair.
A sense or aim in this life I could no longer see.
Would a bullet in the head forever set me free??

No god there to save me; was there ever one?!!!

A sense or aim in this life I could no longer see.
Would a bullet in the head forever, forever.....

8. A Hymn To Mortality

For aeons the "worms" have been pursuing but one target: imortality.
But this phantasm, thanks to thee, fulfilled never ever shall be.

Praised thou shalt be
O' precious mortality!!
Cleansing the earth
from the weaklings of the wormian race.

Through death, thy employer, thou weakest havor among the "worms".
Every single one is reaped by this sharpened scythe.

I can hear the "worms' " death knell resounding in my mind.
I glorify thee for thou dost decimate their arrogant kind.

9. Existential Dead End

Puzzled and confused about this mistery called life.
Can you tell me why all this is happening?
Everything around us is building up.
Just to collapse in half the time it was constructed.

I’m afraid to be swallowed by the sands of time.
Anxious to be a small part of a fading world.
Can you show me the direction I have to go?
All the things surrounding us are but vain constructions.

The question I’m pondering about is quickly asked:
“Why are we here?”- It may sound ridiculous to you.
But it is of concern to me. I want to know my place,
my place in this game, in this jigsaw called existence.

In this jigsaw called existence!!!

One solid piece of truth I’ve already found for me.
DEATH is undeniable and a fact you won’t be able to escape.
Drown in the blood you’ve spilled!
I will hold my head up high until the end arrives.

Your vanity is the free-card to your gruesome end.
Ineffable are the demons that will tear your soul apart.
Turn to your fate that will drown you eternally.
Your reign is at an end. You’re finished here!

Turn to your fate that will drown you eternally.
Your reign is at an end. You’re finished here!
You’re finished here!!!

Dirk Neidhardt ‒ Bass
Paul ‒ Drums
Markus Förster ‒ Keyboards
Thomas Berthel ‒ Vocals (lead)
Matthias ‒ Guitars (rhythm)

Thanks to metal-revenge for sending these lyrics.

Submits, comments, corrections are welcomed at webmaster@darklyrics.com


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